主演:海因茨·吕曼,席格法瑞特斯坦纳,西格弗里德·洛维茨,米歇尔·西蒙,Heinrich Gretler,杰特·弗罗比,贝尔塔·德鲁兹,Ewald Balser,罗杰·莱伍赛,María Rosa Salgado,Anita von Ow,Barbara Haller,Emil Hegetschweiler,Rene Magron,Max Werner Lenz
简介:Several young girls were killed. Policeman Matthaei travels to the region where it happened and se
《光天化日之下》是由拉迪斯劳·瓦赫达执导,海因茨·吕曼,席格法瑞特斯坦纳,西格弗里德·洛维茨,米歇尔·西蒙,Heinrich Gretler,杰特·弗罗比,贝尔塔·德鲁兹,Ewald Balser,罗杰·莱伍赛,María Rosa Salgado,Anita von Ow,Barbara Haller,Emil Hegetschweiler,Rene Magron,Max Werner Lenz主演的一部剧情片。主要讲述了:Several young girls were killed. Policeman Matthaei travels to the region where it happened and se
有点像艾伦伍兹的电影,大量对白+长镜+特写,复古的画面和BGM,金句频出,结尾有点出人意料但又显得平淡。超多大咖,Andrea Riseborough还是最爱,Christian Bale还是一样敬业。"Dead man makes you realize time is short and love is real, if you know what it is." "True love is based on choice, not need" "Maybe you spent enthusiasms and urgencies you didn't know you were wasting until it was too late. You ended up without a chair by the time the music ends, even in your own home."
设首作 500n:
天啊,看完疯了!都0202年了还拍这么陈旧的东西!成功把“泪点”都变成“笑点”!华仔,tell me why?
第一季的名场面基本上倒背如流,难忘E12的ice cream kiss,E17的cigarette kiss,E22的Save the Last Dance for Me。“I don't do boyfriends”我只接受这话从两个人口中说出,一个是逍遥法外的Conner,一个是Brian。全剧始于“只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼”,后续看似是B对J的调教,实则是J对B的驯化。他们其实很像,都具有把自身置之度外看透一切的能力。他们的关系也无需戒指来捆绑,无法挣脱的羁绊就是最好的承诺。BJ一生推,永远都爱金发少年(此处顺带cue一下皮囊里的Max)!