打斗、飞车、追逐戏都挺好,问题就是剧情,情节反转的突然,比如说:印度杀手就因为洛伊德要杀小女孩就放弃了 来之不易的asset,最后喷泉旁洛伊德本可以一枪毙了Six,却因为虚荣心非要比个上下,扔了枪来个近身搏斗,他这么蠢他不死谁死呢?最后大坏蛋还没被惩罚,最后的大佬是谁也不了了之了。看点就是两位男主角的美好身材,尤其是克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans令人垂涎的健美身材 :P
Women get mocked, judged,abused, and even killed. Performative men get off smoothly as always. They talk about civil injustice all the time while consciously overlooking the abuse and violence. N word is definitely an outrage but bitch or slut or whatever don’t matter. Objection! Sexism is an irrelevant topic in this case!