评分不高,大概因为很多人看得一头雾水。从头到尾一直存在着疑惑,到底是False God还是Messiah?是魔术还是神迹?少年赤身裸体跨过了那条无形的国界;你刚好站在了宿命赋予你的高位之上;God不会去拯救所有小我。当你真的做到可以直视自己的罪恶的时候,大概才会得到救赎。I walk with all men.
“Doesn’t matter whether you’re staying or leaving, home is always home. Nobody will forget their homes.” “...nature is fascinating. Those on the top may return to the sea, and what’s in the sea might return to the mountain. Like salmon, they would fight way back up to where they were born. When they get there, they make love, give birth and die.”