It's a fucking awesome movie. 真是一部合家欢的电影,我看我的眼泪就是不值钱。比第一部好看,梗多但是不突兀,bgm也好听,人物性格塑造的比复联3好。(……)Josh好帅喔,有人吃Cable和Wade的cp吗,我放弃贱虫一秒。看多米诺总跳戏到亚特兰大,If you know what I'm talking about. 我好想抱一抱死侍,更想抱一抱RR…… 我真的没有想到会有快银教授阿狼的客串,我真情实感的为Xmen流泪!四妹好帅哦,布拉德皮特的客串也太惨了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。 喊出我们的口号:Mutant and proud!
A theatric masterpiece, an American immigrant family story interwoven into historical backdrop. Three men with a piano, beautiful scripts, marvelous acting, unbelievably simplistic yet smart stage design. The brothers, the fathers, and the sons. The rise and the fall, the drive and the demise. One of the best 3.5 hours that I have spent this year.