"You called them childen of the dark. why? Beacause they are often locked up in underground caves, buried alive. When they see the light of day again, it's as if they are born again, but they're not themselves any more. The dark infected him." 真柯那条线拍得如梦似幻 底色却是深重的丧失感 孩童们的恶之转化 垂死老侦探的最后一搏 野火燎原的亚平宁半岛 外表冷艳但情真意切的白俄应召女郎 这看似奇瑰的表象却引向对于死亡恐惧 生命眷恋 情人横死的无能为力 最终当死神来敲门时 老人是否真能看着情人的幻象含笑而去/Linda Dies Genko Dies/3星半