尽管有毒舌尼科尔森独当一面,故事还算是三足鼎立,最终也各自留下尾巴:女人的孩子和爱情都能一路顺畅?恋母的画家能否跟父母和解?重拾画笔作卡罗的画像又能否让他仕途坦荡(还一直期待编剧让帅牛郎回来)?金句不只是“wanna be a better man,更是要写出感性多情的小说“首先,要想象一个没有理智和责任的男人”,而迟迟没放出来的歌正是(I love you)For sentimental reason,一个无敌理性和规则到强迫的男人也有爱,这爱必然是“感情用事”的。
Finished this movie in like five sittings because true-to-real-life adaptions sometimes fall short of the thrill, especially when it plays up the anxiety and suspense. It's a small story emblematic of a whole generation's struggle. But it still comes down to the basic: what it means to be free, and does the capitalist west necessarily provide that?