But you want to fly,you want to run.And what else? You want to fall,too.You can't eat boilded food all your life.You want to explore every corner of the world.It will take you closer to your dreams.As much as I loved him,he loved his dreams that much more.
Amoy 白杨:
" I gave them their...happiness",恕对老年布里奥妮的说辞无法苟同,即使背了一辈子的良心债和不安,但这和罗比、塞西利亚分崩离析的坎坷一生相比又算得上九牛一毛么,不过是自欺欺人的虚假自我安慰罢了。赎罪,赎罪,而有些罪是穷尽一生也无法挽回的了的。