哇哇哇! 原聲響起的時候 背景完全就昰小時候捧著碗坐在電視機前的我 和媽媽的香乾肉絲炒西芹和超辣的魚頭燉豆腐的香味重合在一起。懸疑小說的圈子眞昰小啊! 在這裡也能碰上Jack The Ripper!! 眞昰讓我簡直振奮到再次半夜被打雞血!! 最後咦也一下那幾個囂張富二代 都去死!
The first 7 episodes: nothing much happens. The 8th and 9th episode: 10% happens. The finale: 90% happens. The show has a weird pace and too slow a buildup. I think more or less 5 or 6 episodes would suffice, if not 3.